Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Product Review: The Poetic Genre: The Poetic Forms Boom Cards

Product Review: The Poetic Genre: The Poetic Forms Boom Cards

This deck of boom cards is focused on the different types of poems. Can you imagine that there are so many types of poems? Matthew takes 15 basic types of poems and defines and describes each one in the teaching frames.

Matthew knows much about poems because he is a published poet.

I have read some of his poems. To say that his poems are deeply moving and beautiful means little until you have read them yourself. He has a blog where he has some of his poems. Take some time and read them, then you will understand what I mean. Selected Poems by Matthew E. Forman.

What were we talking about, oh, Boom Cards. Then, the teaching frames go into the different poem patterns and give examples of these patterns. Then students practice choosing, matching, identifying patterns, poems samples, descriptions, and definitions.

A positive benefit of the Boom Cards are that it is self-correcting, so students know if they are choosing the correct answer.

Product Review: Poetry Genres: Characteristics and Most Commonly Used Figurative Language Boom Cards

The teaching frames in this deck takes the characteristics and figurative language and defines and describes what each is. Then students will show what they have learned in a variety of ways. They will choose characteristics that go with the poem description, the figurative language to the characteristic, samples to poet types, and more. The students get the opportunity to learn characteristics and figurative language.

Teachers, the benefit of allowing your students to use this deck of cards is that you can track student progress. Yay, save some time!

Teacher-author, Matthew Forman, ELA in Middle School, has created a digital resource that is a deck of Boom Cards. In fact, it is several sets of Boom Cards that he has bundled together, Literary Genres: The Prose and Poetry Bundle of Boom Cards

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful review!
