Thursday, June 11, 2020

Product Review: Literary Genres: The Informational Nonfiction

Product Review: Literary Genres: The Informational Nonfiction Subgenre

The teaching frames explain and describe Informational Nonfiction. It tells what “it is” and what it “is not”. The text features and text structures are defined. Examples of information nonfiction passages are provided. The teaching frames also gives the purpose for writing the informational nonfiction.

Students get to choose what “does not” describe this type of text. They will identify, match, and choose their answers. They will show they know the text features; text structures; what literature and what descriptions go with this type of text. They get to choose “what it is not”! This will show that they really understand the concept.

You can’t go wrong using this deck of Boom Cards with your middle school students!

Literary Genres: The Fiction Genre

The teaching frames define and describe the prose characteristics of fiction. Fiction subgenres are listed and explained. The elements of fiction are added to the frames. Such as the role of the Narrator and the types of Narrators.

I know what Point of View is, I certainly know what my point of view is. But did you know that there are different ways of telling a Point of View? Your students will learn what these are!

Students will identify the parts of a plot; the features of graphic novels; types of nonfiction; features of Fantasy and Romance. They will show what they have learned in several ways that will show you that they have learned all this well.

Teacher-author, Matthew Forman has created a digital resource that is thorough. The students get to enjoy playing with these boom cards while learning! You can get these boom cards in his store, ELA in Middle School on Amped Up Learning!

Don't pass up an amazing product!

Froggy About Teaching

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