Thursday, December 15, 2022

Holiday Stress at School


School Stress During the Holiday Season

We love the holidays! But it is also a time when we do more. We do more at home to prepare for the holidays and we do more at school.

The music teacher prepares specific grade levels for a Holiday Music Program. The kids will need to spend some class time practicing beyond the regular music class time. The art teacher has each grade level create special art projects. You have your students making holiday gifts for their parents. All this creates an additional exciting atmosphere throughout the school for both teachers and students.

Hectic Schedule

Some school districts have parent conferences sometime in November through December. This is a disruption to your schedule. Then there is the Music Program to attend taking time away from your day. Your class must attend the Art Project Display. So much going on! Oh well, just reconcile yourself to the fact your daily routine will not be the same.

Frame of Mind    

Due to the reason that it’s the holiday season, the school atmosphere will be filled with vibrant energy. Take it in and be a part of that energy. Go with the flow!

Be Extra Patient

Parents can be more demanding during this time. Carefully listen to their concerns, acknowledge that you hear them, and let them know you will do what you can.

The students will pick up on the extra energy going around. Review your classroom expectations and rules to help remind them.

Staff members will also be feeling stressed. Share some kind words with them. They will appreciate it.

Most of all, extend your patience with yourself. You are dealing with all these things. Be kind to yourself!

Be Kind to Yourself

Plan for all the extra holiday activities. Manage the shorter times with activities that can be done before and after whole school programs.

Have alternate activities for the students who don’t celebrate the holidays.

Learn to say No. Limit your commitments, you don’t have to volunteer to do more than you are prepared to do.

Pace yourself. Give yourself extra quiet time, prayer time, meditation, prep time, nap time, time for a walk, etcetera,

Gift Giving

Stay on budget. Decide who you want to give gifts to. You don’t have to be Santa to everyone! I usually gave gifts to the school secretary, the custodians, and the lunch ladies. You give so much of yourself to your students that you don’t need to also give each of them a gift.

Reach Out to Your Support

Give a phone call to your bestie. Text a coworker. Talk to a family member. Pull your spouse into it. You don’t have to do this by yourself.

But best of all, ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS!

Happy holidays!

Debbie – Froggy About Teaching

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